No, I am not putting in extra hours there, but I am working super hard these days because it is year-end. January is a crazy month for people in accounting departments as we tabulate and total the whole year, make all kinds of reports, and switch from one year to the next. This is the time of year when I discover all kinds of mistakes I have made in the past twelve months. *sigh* Sometimes that is hard on the psychy. It's always a good lesson for someone like me who tends to lean very, very far towards the perfectionist side! The mantra here should be "fix it and just let it go."
All that being said, I am finding my evenings this week totally unproductive. All I crave is my couch, a good book and/or my television. My eyelids droop before 8:00 and I'm ready for bed by 9:00. I've picked up my sketchbook a few times for some random doodling and I've cleaned off my art table, but other than that creativity is not a happening thing.
Really though, this is not necessarily something to view as bad or wrong. Just because I want to make art a part of my daily life does not mean it will always be daily. Life happens, and this week, because I want to do a good job for my employer, I need to take the down time in the evenings. I can chose to shift my perspective - I am not failing to be creative every day; I am creating space for myself to do good work which, I think, will help do good art down the road. I will be more rested as I won't be stressed out trying to do more than I can handle, and my brain will have had down time to chew over ideas in the background, like a field that is left to fallow for a season, except mine fallow time should be only a few weeks (I hope!).
So here is to going with the flow, a changing perspective and creating!
Creativity knows no time - loving your process here Leah! The self portrait on your new header and the design is amazing. I love that the word "art things" are in black and white stripes - my first "hit" was "A-ha! Something beautiful is coming through here!"