
Friday, 14 December 2012

Hello, Hello!

Hello, hello!

Yup I'm still here. 

I've been decidely absent from my blog over the last couple of months.  Partly by choice and partly by necessity.  The necessity part is a result of colds, commitments, and daily living.  The choice part comes from the fact that I'm a bit lost in my direction over the blog. 

When I started, I was taking an e-course with Kelly Rae Roberts - a course to help us get started in setting up an online creative business.  It was a fabulous course and I've met and been inspired by so many creative women.    I loved the energy, the enthusiasm and the connectedness with an online community passionate about the same things I am--all things art!   I had been toying with the idea of starting a blog for quite awhile.  The course was just the push I needed to jump in. 

I had all sorts of ideas and plans and areas I wanted to explore.  Then that 'ol gal started to show up-- Mademoiselle Perfectionism.  I kept trying to get it "right" and that took a lot of time which was a  bit annoying because that's not where I wanted to spend my time.  And I still hadn't figured out my direction. What was my art about?  What was my style?  Why exactly was I blogging? I never even wrote the "About Me" section because I didn't know what it should say.  Again, I think I was worried about it being "right". 

So I ground to a complete halt.

I've missed it. 

I love making conversation about art and creativity and little things that happen in my life that might make others smile.  I love the connections blogging creates. I love sharing something I've made.  I hope it will make someone smile. Or think. Or both!

So I've made the decision to keep blogging.  It will NOT be perfect.  It will be a WORK IN PROGRESS (the capital letters are for my benefit - I need to get that through my head). 

I can't promise you any kind of regular postings.  Sometimes I'll post only writing.  Other times I'll post a picture or a piece of my work.  I may put up a flurry of posts then be absent for a while.   But I promise I'll keep at it- keep sharing, keep connecting.  In the meantime, I'm telling Mademoiselle Perfectionism to take a hike and inviting my "inner hero" to come visit way more often.  (Check out Quinn McDonald at QuinnCreative; she iss writing a whole book about the inner hero.  Can't wait!)

I hope you'll drop in and visit once in a while.  I'd love to see you.




  1. Oh Leah, all I can say is ditto! I'm glad I subscribed to some of my favourite blogs becasue quite a few people seem to be taking a bit of a break and/or not putting pressure on themselves to post on a regular basis - I'm not even willing to say weekly at the moment. With the summer holidays here I could well do that but once the new school year is up and running . . . who knows?

    I signed up for 21 Secrets in 2013 so that will keep me going and challenging myself. Actually, why do I think it necessary to challenge myself, and why don't I carry on with that thought and post something about it? Probably because the sun is shining, the birds and cicadas are making summertime noises and the waves at the beach are calling me to go for a walk.

    1. I think it's great that you are going out and enjoying your summer Wendy. My guess is that your enjoyment will eventually show up in your art work. Happy Artist = Happy Art! I checked out 21 Secrets -- it looks so good. I think I might join up. Have fun on the beach (as I look out the window at fluffy, white snow!)
