Before we left on the final day, our group decided we would exchange handmade Christmas cards. Of course, I got the class all twisted up when I wanted to know exactly what type of card. A real card? An Artist Trading Card? Half of an Artist Trading Card? (Madamoiselle Perfectionism poking her nose in my business again!) After all the discussion and debate and explanation and confusion, I think we decided on a certain format but it has completely gone from my brain. I figured I'd make Artist Trading Cards for everyone.
One of my art goals this year is to complete any project I start AND to do any project to which I've committed. It may take me a long time, but I will get it done! It was fun to do my very first ATCs. I sent them off last week with lots of love.
For those of you who are not familiary with the term, an Artist Trading Card a.k.a ATC is a 2.5 by 3.5 card which is created into a tiny piece of art out of any type of medium - penicl, paint, collage, fabric, etc. The card can be watercolor paper, bristol board, cardboard, etc. The sky is the limit. It just has to be the correct size and have information about the card and the artist on the back. They can be as elaborate or simple as the artist desires. Most of the time the cards are traded; sometimes they are sold. At camp we made two half size ATCs and received two in return.
I guess you would call this a series as I made eleven cards all featuring a Christmas angel of sorts. Most are collage with watercolor/acrylic/tissue/pen/torn paper. A couple are done with pencil. I had fun with a tissue technique I saw by Jane LaFazio Janeville on her blog. Here are pictures of some of the ATCs I sent out. I know I scanned them all, but I've lost the other five images somewhere in my computer. I'll post them if I come across them. So strange....
May there always be an angel by your side.
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