Some of the extra bonuses? I can work at my own speed and when it is convenient for me. I can re-run the video as many times as I need too. And it's totally cool that the instructors can be from anywhere in the world.
Of course, I would love to be able to take these courses in person - nothing replaces that one-on-one interaction and energy. But I don't see myself flying down to New York or over to Amsterdam for a week long course anytime soon. courses are IT!
There is a teeny, tiny problem with online courses though. This is the story.
You know from my previous posts that I am enrolled in Soul Food which I am loving. They offer two new lessons a week for a six month period with 36 different instructors. How awesome is that? Fortunately the course is open for an additional six months to complete the lessons 'cause I can't manage two classes a week while I'm working fulltime.
The thing is, there are tons of online courses I would love to take. So many classes, so little time...*sigh*.
Well, for a couple of months a while back I started seeing ads for a new course just coming online for the first time. It looked juicy good! Then I found out who some of the instructors were going to be. Holy cow did I want to take this course. But it started April 4th, smack dab in the middle of my Soul Food-mega-number-of-lessons course. I couldn't do both. No way, no how.
I "liked" the new course's Facebook page. No harm in that right?
The skool posted lovely little tidbits and quotes and videos from the instructors on what the course would be like.
Man, it was torture.
I kept telling myself, "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope."
Then......April 2nd came along.
I couldn't help myself.
I signed up!
Now you know why I haven't been posting so much from my Soul Food class. I'm still working on it though. I'm almost completed two more lessons.
And you will get to see some of my work from Sketching Skool with Danny Gregory, Jane LaFazio and company. It's an illustrated journal course - lots of drawing with pen indoors and out and super fun stuff. Six weeks long, one lesson post per week with homework to do throughout the week.
I can handle it!
Actually it's lots of fun. I love sketching this way and it's making me do it often with all the mistakes and screw ups and lines in the wrong places which I totally have to get over and realize that it just adds character to the picture (still working on that part!!!)
I'm getting real good at planning my free time!!!!
So that's my story about the problem with online art courses.
Not such a bad problem is it?
Here are a few of my sketches from the first week.
Maxie continuously shifted around so I kept having to start over. She seemed to be aware of me staring at her. So weird! She'd look at me like I was a bit nuts, then stretch herself into a new, more comfortable position.
My dad, on the other hand, hardly moved at all! He was so "drawn" into the hockey game that he did not feel me staring at him intently while I "drew" him. You are a much easier subject to draw Dad!
I love the memories these type of sketches capture. Flipping through my art journals is even better than looking at photo albums. The sights, the smells, the textures, the sounds -- they all come rushing back. I think it's because when you draw, you are slowing down. You are observing more and absorbing more, so more gets registered within you at a cellular level.
Anyway, I love it.
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